Soft drinks are called by many names in different places of the world.
Soft drinks in South Africa are called cool drinks generically, although lemonade follows the same conventions as Australia.
Soft drinks are referred to collectively as soda.
In Argentina, carbonated drinks are called gaseosas (gassed drinks), or sometimes referred by brand name altogether. The term "soda" only applies to carbonated water, which is still very popular in the country. It is common for Argentines to have soda syphons delivered to their homes, which they mix with juices or other drinks, according to personal preference. A recent trend is the promotion of agua saborizada (flavoured water), by both local and international brands.
In Brazil, carbonated drinks are called refrigerantes (coolers). Fruit juice is called by juice name in Portuguese - Suco. Powder juices can sometimes be called refrescos (refreshers).
Along with the regular flavors sold worldwide, Brazil is also notorious for the guaraná soft drinks. Guaraná is a small fruit found on the Amazon Forest. The most popular guaraná soft drink is the Guaraná Antarctica, which has also been exported in small numbers to other countries, including the United States.
The most famous brand, though, is Coca-Cola and its most famous brands, including the cola drink itself, Sprite, Fanta, Grape Fanta, and also Kuat, which is a guarana-based soft drink made by Coca-Cola. Pepsi is also present. There are also many other smaller brands like Dolly, Convenção and Del Rei.
"Pop" is by far the most commonly used term among English-Canadian speakers to refer to a carbonated soft drink – although "soft drink" itself is widely used, particularly on signage and menus and by Quebec anglophones. It is also widely referred by the brand name of the soft drink (such as "Coke" or "7 Up"). "Soda" or "soda pop" is used by some. In French, a soft drink is referred to as une boisson gazeuse, or informally as une liqueur (likely a shortened form from the seldom-used liqueur douce). The use of liqueur in this fashion is distinctly Quebec French; in France, liqueur refers to a very specific set of aperitif and digestif alcoholic drinks.
Carbonated beverages are generally referred to as "bebidas" (drinks).
Punch drinks made from powdered mixes are popular as well. Popular flavors are orange, apple, pineapple, strawberry, peach and apricot juices, although Coca-Cola and orange soda also remain popular. Other popular drinks are those referred as "néctar", peach and apricot being the most popular flavors.
Soft drinks are called gaseosa (gassed drink) in Colombia, generically meaning "drink". Some usage of "refrescos" with similar meaning is reported. Trago is used for alcoholic drinks.
Generally, soft drinks are called refrescos in Cuba, generically meaning "refreshment". Trago is used for alcoholic drinks served by shot. "Ponche" is a fruit juice mix with rum usually served at "Quince" (when girls reach fifteen years of age), and wedding celebrations. Refrescos without carbonate gas, are made out of a heavy concentrated syrup with flavor, and called "Refresco de esencia". Jugos (juice) are those made mixing real fruit pulp with water and ice. "Batidos" (shakes) is the name of the fruit mixed with ice and milk using a blender.
The term for non-alcoholic carbonated soft drinks is refresco in the Dominican Republic, which conveys the refreshing properties associated with a cold frizzy drink. In most cases, refresco means a sweet soft drink. Other carbonated drinks, like Club Soda, are called soda amarga or refresco amargo (bitter soda or bitter soft drink, respectively).
In Ecuador, soft drinks are commonly referred as cola, due to the popularity of the Coca Cola brand.
In El Salvador, soft drinks are called "gaseosa" (gassed drink) or by the brand name.
Refresco is often used for carbonated drinks of most types, however more often in signs and menus. Bebidas, lit. "drinks", is also used in menus, but can refer to alcoholic drinks as well. At the north part of the country, soda is widely used. "Coca" is also used; despite the name being taken from "Coca-Cola", it can refer to any soft drink in general.
Soft drinks are called gaseosas in Paraguay. The name coca is also common in Paraguay.
In Peru, carbonated drinks are called gaseosas (gassed drinks). The word "cola" with a "c" generally refers to cola flavored drinks, whereas "kola" with a "k" is a generic term in Spanish commonly used in Peru for any flavor of carbonated soft drinks. The most popular carbonated soft drink brands in Peru are Inca Kola, Coca-Cola, Kola Real, Perú Cola, and Pepsi. Soft drinks made from natural fruit juices are also popular. Bottled aqua minerál (mineral water) is sold in both con gas (carbonated) and sin gas (non-carbonated) varieties and is also referred to as gaseosa.
"Soft drink" commonly refers to cold, carbonated, non-alcoholic beverages in the United States. Carbonated beverages are regionally known as:[1][2]
The name used in Venezuela, not typical to other Latin American countries, is simply "Refresco". In some parts of Venezuela it is shortened to "Fresco". Brand names are respectively named by their brand.
"Soft drink" always refers to carbonated beverages. "Lemonade" is typically used only to refer to highly sweetened transparent carbonated beverages with a flavour similar to 7up or Sprite. Lemon flavoured soft drinks are commonly referred to either as "lemon squash" or by brand name. In some parts of Australia and New Zealand, soft drink can be also referred to as "fizzy drinks". In Australia and New Zealand, a children's drink made from a bottled, usually fruit flavoured and brightly coloured, sugar syrup concentrate and tap water is known as "cordial".
Soft drinks go by a variety of names such as "cold drinks" "soft drinks", and most popular among the masses is the term "cold drinks". One of the most popular is CocaCola brand. Other well known brands include Pepsi, 7 Up, Trinken, Pran, and Mojo.
In China, soft drinks are often called "gas/air water" (pinyin: qì shuǐ) referring to carbonated drinks only. It is far more common to say the actual name of the drink (e.g. Coke, bottled tea, etc.) than saying the generic term above.
Soft drinks go by a variety of names including "soft drinks", and most popular among the masses is the term "cold drinks" or "cool drinks", especially in the south of the country. "Soda" in India refers generally to carbonated water and not artificially flavoured, carbonated beverages. One of the most popular is the Dr. Pepper brand.
Soft drinks are formally called "seiryō-inryō" or "seiryō-inryōsui," both of which mean "cooling beverages." A word "jūsu" (juice) is used for drinks that are juice, partly contain juice, or even that are made like that and do not contain juice at all. Jūsu sometimes also indicates carbonated beverages. Carbonated drinks are commonly called "tansan" (carbonic acid), or formally "tansan-inryō" (literally "carbonic acid beverage") (but not "tansan-inryōsui"). A word "sōda" (soda) is never used for non-carbonated drinks. As for drinks, the word sōda is used as a part of a compound. It is used for carbonated drinks that have colors such as "meron sōda" (melon soda), and also for "sōda sui" (soda water). Specifically, a word "saidā" (cider) is independently used for "sweet carbonated water" that has no color, although it is distinguished from ramune or Sprite. Just like sōda, the word saidā can make compounds such as "appuru saidā" (apple cider). It depends on the case whether to use sōda or saidā. "Kurīmu sōda" (cream soda) is a melon-flavored green carbonated drink that has two kinds; one has "ice cream" on top and indicates a kind of ice cream soda, and the other does not have ice cream and instead is mixed with cream and non-transparent. The drink occasionally has different colors and flavors. "Kōra" (cola) indicates Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and kinds like that. When it has ice cream on top, it is called "kōra furōto" (cola float). "Remon sukasshu" (lemon squash) indicates a "carbonated" drink that contains lemon juice.
The term "soft drinks" (also rendered softdrinks) is restricted to colas and other carbonated drinks.
"Soft drinks" generally refers to carbonated drinks in Singapore, although they are more commonly referred to by the actual product's name. Other names commonly used include 'gassy drink' and 'sweet drinks'.
In Austria there is no specific term in use for that kind of drinks. Sometimes the English term "soft drinks" is used.
Speakers of Belgian French often use the English word soft to refer to soft drinks in general. Coca-Cola is frequently shortened to Coca, while the diet version is called Coca Light. Citrus soft drinks are commonly referred to as "limonade." Speakers of Flemish often use frisdrank.
The Bulgarian name for soft drinks is газирани напитки (gazirani napitki) or simply газирано (gazirano, "something fizzy"). They are also called безалкохолни напитки (bezalkoholni napitki), meaning non-alcoholic drinks. A colloquial word сода (soda) exists, but it is used to denote soda water. Juice is called "sok"(сок). Bulgaria is first eastern country that prodused Coca-cola and the one that registred the name in Cyryllic alphabet - "Кока-Кола".
Gazirano piće (газирано пиће) is the Serbo-Croatian name for carbonated soft drinks in general, while kola (кола) refers to Coca-Cola or Pepsi. The word sok (сок) normally means fruit juice, but in informal spoken language sometimes refers to carbonated drinks as well.
The Danish name for soft drinks is sodavand, which directly translated means soda water. The term sodavand is exclusively used for non-alcoholic, carbonated soft drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fanta. Also used is the term læskedrik (from læskende=refreshing/thirst-quenching and drik=drink), which includes all non-alcoholic soft drinks, or juices.
The Estonian name for soft drinks is limonaad. It is also called karastusjook, i.e. "refreshment drink". Sooda or soodavesi, "soda water", refers to carbonated water.
Soft drinks are called virvoitusjuoma, i.e. "refreshment drink", in Finland. In everyday speech, the word limonadi or one of its colloquial derivations is used (limu(kka), lim(p)s(k)a, limppa(ri)). Sooda or soodavesi, "soda water", refers to carbonated water, alongside kivennäisvesi, lit. "mineral water", and vichy. In Finland Swedish, lemonad is more common and refers to all kinds of carbonated soft drinks, läsk (or läskedryck) is also used. Many people, both Finnish and Swedish speakers, also use the word limsa (limonadi). Coca-Cola is frequently referred to as kokis.
In France, the English loanword soda can be used and is generally understood to refer to carbonated drinks. Likewise, the generic term boisson gazeuse is used to refer to these as well. For non-carbonated drinks, the term boisson aromatisée (lit flavored beverage) or boisson plate (lit. flat beverage) can be used.
In practice, generic brand names are used to refer to common varieties of drinks, such as Coca for cola and Fanta or Orangina for orange-flavored sweet carbonated drinks. Unlike in Canada, the term liqueur is not used in this context and instead refers to sweet alcoholic drinks.
Soft drinks are known as Limo short for Limonade, the German word for lemonade. Some regions also use Sprudel (from sprudeln=to be fizzy) or Brause (in Eastern Germany) for carbonated non-alcoholic drinks. However, Fruchtschorle is one of the most popular soft drinks in Germany, but it is never called Limo since it contains no added sugar. Additionally, the word "Cola" is used to refer to any dark Coca-Cola-like beverage, regardless of the brand. In some regions weiße Limo or Zitronenlimo stands for real lemonades and Limo gelb for orange flavored soft drinks.
In Greece, the term Gazoza is used to refer to clear lemon-lime soft drinks such as 7 Up or Sprite. This term, however, has become outdated. Today, in everyday speech, soft drinks are referred to as "anapsyktika" (αναψυκτικά), which means refreshers.
In Hungary, this type of beverages is called üdítőital ("refreshing drink") or just üdítő ("refresher"). This term can refer to any drink which is served cold, has a flavor and contains no alcohol or heavy energizer components. Any bottled and flavored or unflavored, carbonated or still mineral water also belongs here but is also referred as ásványvíz ("mineral water"). Bottled/packed fruit juices are also named separately as gyümölcslé ("fruit juice"). The word dzsúsz (pronounced exactly as "juice") is also used but mostly means orange juice. Carbonated plain/tap water (bottled or draft) is named szódavíz or szóda ("soda water"). Well known brands are mentioned by their names but cola drinks are often simply named kóla, regardless of their brand.
In Icelandic, carbonated softdrinks are referred to as gosdrykkir ('eruption drink', gosdrykkur in singular form) or simply gos.
Soft drinks are often referred to as "minerals" or "fizzy drinks". Lemonade in Ireland comes in two varieties: red and white. Red lemonade is lemon-flavoured, but has a markedly different taste from conventional lemonade. It is popular both as a drink for kids and as a mixer for spirits.
Also indigenous to Ireland are Cidona, an apple-flavoured soft drink produced by cider brewers, Bulmers, and Tanora, a tangerine-flavoured soft drink produced by Coca-Cola. The latter is mostly sold in County Cork. Club Orange is a very popular orange-flavoured drink.
In Italy, any liquid that could be used for human consumption is legally called a bevanda, i.e., "beverage". This includes water, juices, milkshakes, tea, liquors, etc. Soft drinks are commonly called bibita (singular) or bibite (plural). By law, a bibita is a bevanda made for refreshment that contains no alcohol and is made commercially. Bibite are further classified as gassata (carbonated) or non gassata. Soft drink marketing is a big business in Italy and although many brands of non gassata drinks like lemonade and orange juice are sold, carbonated drinks such as Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, and Sprite are the most popular, especially among young people.
Just as Italy has a long history and tradition of making alcoholic beverages, many Italian soft drink formulas date back 100 years or more, from the humble gazzosa or gassosa (soda water) sold by dozens of manufacturers, to Campari Soda, San Pellegrino Bitter, Campari Bitter, Acqua Tonica, Crodino, Cedrata (made of citrum), Gingerino, to local versions of tamarindo or chinotto drinks. Tamarindo soft drinks are flavored with the fruit of the eastern African Tamarind tree. Tamarind drinks are also popular in Mexico and other Latin American countries, where they are known as aguas frescas. The chinotto is a bitter variant of the common lemon. Chinotto soft drinks are colored with caramel, so at a first sight they could be mistaken for colas, but their flavor is completely different. Chinotto drinks were introduced about 1930 and are still so popular in Italy and in Italian communities worldwide, such as those in Australia and Germany, that the Coca-Cola company now makes a Chinotto drink of its own called "Fantachinotto". In Canada, Coca-Cola also produces Brio, a chinotto flavored beverage available in cans at most pizzerias (ex. Pizza Pizza) and grocery stores or specialty food shoppes/bakeries in communities with large Italian-immigrant populations, such as in Toronto, Edmonton, and Montreal, and their respective surrounding suburban areas. Widespread distribution of Maltese chinotto soft drinks, known as Kinnie, also contributed to the popularity of these drinks.
Energy and sport drinks such as Gatorade, Enervit, Isostad or Red Bull are also quite popular. Italian law limits the amount of substances like caffeine in energy drinks for health reasons.
In Latvia a soft drink is usually called limonāde, which may also refer to a specific brand name. A more formal way of referring to a soft drink is atspirdzinošs dzēriens, which means a refreshment or a refreshing drink. Kola is a widespread version of Coca Cola. All of these can also be referred to as gāzētie dzērieni (bubbly drinks). Still water is negāzēts minerālūdens while carbonated water is gāzēts minerālūdens. A juice of any type is sula. Energy drinks are literally translated from English as enerģijas dzērieni. Ice tea is ledus tēja.
In Republic of Macedonia drink is Сок (Sok). Coca Cola in Macedonian is Кока Кола (Koka Kola).
In Malta, soft drinks are called "luminata" (lemonade) or else they use the English word "soft drink". Soft drink marketing is a big business in Malta and although brands of no gas drinks like water such as "Saint Michel", "Aquadot" and orange juice such as "Safari" are sold, carbonated drinks such as Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, 7 Up, Sunkist, Krest, Sprite, and the Maltese soft drink Kinnie are the most popular, especially among young people.
Energy and sport drinks such as Gatorade, Energia, Dark Dog or Red Bull are also quite popular.
In the Dutch language, soft drinks are called frisdrank ('fresh drink') or abbreviated as fris, a word coined in 1956 by advertiser Dick Schiferli. Limonade is Dutch for lemonade and priklimonade is the same drink only with fizz, also abbreviated as prik. Prik refers to the stinging sensation felt in the mouth due to the presence of the carbonation.
Carbonated soft drinks in Norway are called brus, which means "fizz". It is a truncated form of the now obsolete bruslimonade ("fizzy lemonade"). In most restaurants, soft drinks as well as sparkling water are all grouped under the term "mineralvann" ("mineral water"). The word soda is used as a general term for plain carbonated water.
In Poland, similar to Bulgaria, soft drinks are called napoje gazowane, which means "carbonated drinks". The term "soft drinks" can also refer to any non-alcoholic drinks (napoje bezalkoholowe) like water, juice or coffee. In Tricity soft drinks are commonly referred to as "kola", regardless of brand.
In Portugal, soft drinks are called refrigerante, which can be freely translated into "cooler".
Soft drinks are usually called băuturi răcoritoare, răcoritoare ('cooling drinks/coolers'), or just suc ('juice').
There are two most common terms for soft drinks: газированная вода that stands for 'fizzy water' or газировка for short. The other widely used term is лимонад ('lemonade'). The term газировка is the most widely used.
In Spain soft drinks are called refrescos, which can be translated like "refreshers" or gaseosas "gassy drinks".It refers to non-alcoholic drinks, and commonly carbonated.
Soft drinks are called läsk, which comes from läskande drycker ("refreshing" or "thirst-quenching drinks") and denotes carbonated non-alcoholic soft drinks. The word lemonad has more or less the same use as the English word lemonade, but belongs to a slightly higher level of style than läsk. In Finland Swedish, lemonad is more common and refers to all kinds of carbonated soft drinks, läsk (or läskedryck) is also used. Many people, both Finnish and Swedish speakers, also use the word limsa (limonadi). Swedish Donald Duck comics use the word läskeblask, which means "thirst-quenching fizz." Non-carbonated non-alcoholic beverages similar to squash or cordial are called saft.
Soft drinks are called газовані напої (fizzy drinks) in Ukraine, with безалкогольні напої (non-alcoholic drinks) also being a common, if more general, term. This resembles both Bulgarian and Polish usage. Most popular soft drinks are Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite.
The term "soft drink", in the United Kingdom, originally applied to carbonated drinks and non-carbonated drinks made from concentrates ("squash"), although it now commonly refers to any drink that does not contain alcohol. To further confuse matters, alcopops are often called "alcoholic soft drinks".
The term "pop", once popular as a generic term for soft drinks is now mainly restricted to the north of England, and Wales. The term "fizzy drinks" is also used as a synonym for sweetened carbonated drinks. In the West of Scotland, soft drinks are commonly known as "ginger". Carbonated drinks are also known as "juice" in many locations, including most of the east of Scotland.
In Northern Ireland, "brown lemonade" and Red lemonade also exist in addition to normal, "white" lemonade, in common with Southern Ireland.
In Arabic countries soft drinks are usually called either mashroob ghāzi, meaning literally "gas drinks" (مشروبات غازية) for soda, or simply aseer (عصير, "juice") for most other soft drinks that are served cool or cold. However, local dialects may differ.
Soda drinks are usually referred to as ḥāga sa'`a, which literally means "something cold". However, it is also commonly referred to as "Pepsi", since it is the most common brand (along with Coca Cola). However, since the Arabic language lacks the letter "P", many less-educated locals pronounce it as "Bebsi". Also, both "Crush" and "Miranda" are called "Miranda", regardless of the brand.
In Iran, all soft drinks are referred to as nooshabeh (Persian: نوشابه) and are further specified by color or brand name, for example a customer at a restaurant may ask for a "black soft drink" (Persian: نوشابۀ سیاه) or a Coke.
Soft drinks are called in Hebrew mashkeh kal (משקה קל), or "light drink." Carbonated beverages are called technically mashkeh mugaz (משקה מוגז), "gassed drink;" and colloquially mashkeh toseis (משקה תוסס), which can be translated "effervescent drink."